Saturday, July 2, 2011

"Warning" and "Censure" - Distinction between.

No.GAD (S1) 23 SSR 59. Mysore Government Secretariat,
Vidhana Soudha,
Bangalore, Dated: 2nd July, 1959.
Ashada 11 S.E. 1881.
Sub:- "Warning" and "Censure" - Distinction between.
Enquiries are being received by Government as to the distinction between "Warning" and "Censure". The main distinction is that an order of "Censure" is a formal and public act intended to convey that the person concerned has been held guilty of some blame-worthy act or omission for which it has been found necessary to award him a formal punishment. And nothing can amount to a 'Censure' unless it is intended to be such a formal punishment and imposed for 'good and sufficient reasons' after following the procedure prescribed in the Mysore Civil Services (C.C.A) Rules 1957. A record of the punishment so imposedis kept on the Officer's confidential roll and the fact that he has been 'Censured' will have its bearing on the assessment of his merit or suitability for promotion to higher posts.
2. It is the duty of superior officer to see that he gives to his subordinates at all time advice, guidance and assistance to correct their faults and dificiencies. There may be occasions when a superior officer may find it necessary to criticise adversly the work of his subordinates (e.g. point out negligence, carelessness, lack of thoroughness, delays, etc)
or he may call for an explanation for some act or omission and taking all circumstances into consideration, it may be felt that, while the matter is not serious enough to justify the imposition of the formal punishment of 'Censure', it calls for some informal action, such as the communication of written warning, admonition or reprmand.
3. It is a matter of simple nature justice that written warnings, repremands etc., should not be administered or placed on a Government servant's confidential record unless the authority doing so is satisfied that there is good and sufficient reason to do so. Thus, if the circumstances, justify it, a mention may also be made of such a warning etc., in the officer's confidential roll; however, the mere fact that it is so mentioned in the character roll does not convert the warning etc., into a 'Censure', because it has not intended that a "Formal punishment" should be inflicted nor were any formal proceedings as required under the C.C.A. Rules held.
The Heads of Departments are required to bear in mind this distinction between 'Warning' and 'Censure'.
Under Secretary to Government,
G.A.D. (Services-I).